Child Health Clinics

At Child Health Clinics you can discuss your child’s growth and development, and get support and advice about parenting as well as your own wellbeing. You can also have your baby weighed.

Please see below for details on how to access each borough’s Child Health services.

Child Health Clinics in Lambeth

Any child who is a Lambeth resident can use this service.  You can either refer yourself, be referred via your GP, or via social care, voluntary organisations or maternity services using the contacts below.

We can offer advice and support on:

  • Transition to parenthood
  • Breastfeeding, infant feeding, introducing solid foods and healthy eating
  • Your child’s growth, physical, social and emotional development and play
  • Immunisations
  • Family mental health
  • Management of minor illness in children
  • Accident prevention
  • Challenges such as sleeping, teething, toileting, temper tantrums and behaviour

Lambeth Health Visiting Service:

Health visitor advice line: our health visitors operate an advice line on Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

Telephone 020 3049 5300



Gracefield Gardens Health Centre

2-8 Gracefield Gardens, SW16 2ST

Tel: 020 3049 4780

Clapham Manor Health Centre

86 Clapham Manor Street, SW4 6EB

Tel: 020 3049 5676 (health visitor)

Tel: 020 3049 5600 (health centre)

West Norwood Leisure Centre

25 Devane Way, SE27 0DF

Tel: 020 3049 5742 (health visitor)

Tel: 020 3049 6401 (health centre)

Child Health Clinics in Merton

Any child who is a Merton resident can use this service.  Please speak to your health visitor or contact the health visiting team to make an appointment. The Merton Child Health Clinics run at each of the venues below:

Merton Health Visiting Service:

Telephone 03300 539264


Child Health Clinic (Acacia)

Child Health Clinic (Acacia)

230 Grove Road, Mitcham, CR4 1SD

Child Health Clinic (Church Road)

Child Health Clinic (Church Road)

243 Church Road, Mitcham, CR4 3BH

Wednesdays 9:30am-12:00pm (by appointment only)

Child Health Clinic (Ivy Gardens)

Child Health Clinic (Ivy Gardens)

Ivy Gardens, Mitcham, CR4 1BR

Mondays from 1:00pm (by appointment only)

Child Health Clinic (Steers Mead)

Child Health Clinc (Steers Mead)

Lavender Park Pavillion, Veals Mead, Mitcham, CR4 3HL

Fridays from 9:30am (by appointment only)

Child Health Clinics in Wandsworth

Any child who is a Wandsworth resident can use this service. Help provided by the service includes:

  • ‘Well Baby’ clinics
  • Postnatal groups
  • Parenting support
  • Home visits
  • Breastfeeding clinics and support groups
  • Baby and child developmental assessments
  • General family health advice

Health Visiting Service:

Telephone 03300 581679


Greyswood Practice

66 Eastwood Street, SW16 6PX

Well Baby Clinic – Wednesday – 9.30am – 11.00am

Faylands Children’s Centre

Faylands Road, SW16 1SY

Well Baby Clinic – Monday – 9.30am – 11.00am

Smallwood Children’s Centre

Smallwood Road, SW18 0TW

Well Baby Clinic – Tuesday – 10.30am – 12.00pm

Thurleigh Road GP Practice

88A Thurleigh Road, SW12 8TT

Well Baby Clinic – Thursday – 2.00pm – 3.30pm 

Brocklebank Health Centre

249 Garratt Lane, London SW18 4DU

1 Year Health Reviews                Mondays 10.00am – 11.30am

Well Baby Clinic                          Wednesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm

1 Year Health Reviews                Thursdays 10.00am – 11.30am

Private Medical Reports & Non-NHS Services

The Greyswood Practice offers the following Non-NHS Services:

  • Brief Medical Summary – no charge.
  • Proof of registration/ address – £15.00
  • Simple Statement of Fact Doctors’ Letter – £35.00
  • Private Medical Certificate (GP letter prior to 7 days of sickness) – £35.00
  • Fitness to Travel Letter – £35.00
  • Firearms Licensing Check – £45.00
  • Ofsted Health Declaration Form – £87.50
  • Adoption Medical Forms – £100.00
  • Taxi/DVLA/TFL Medicals – £140.00
  • Private Medical Insurance Report e.g. BUPA/ Vitality – completed through an external provider called Medi2data – see Medi2data section below for more information about this service.

We are not able to write housing letters, letters for school, or assist making, registering or ending a lasting power of attorney agreement – please see sections below for further information.

If you have a private medical report that you would like us to complete, please contact the surgery to discuss your request with a member of the practice administration team as soon as possible. This will help prevent any delay in processing your request.

We aim to complete private reports within 4-6 weeks of payment date, and cannot prioritise individual cases.

We only accept payment by card, which is usually taken before the examination or preparation of the report. In order to be fair to all patients, there are no exceptions to the charges.

Housing Letters

Please note we are not able to write housing letters for patients. Patients requiring help or support regarding their housing should ask reception to be referred to our Social Prescriber, who will be able to signpost you to local support services.

Letters for educational providers

We are not able to provide letters to parents to support children’s school applications.

Where schools request a medical certificate to validate their child’s absence from school, there is clear guidance as to when we can provide one:

Non-recurrent short term sickness (less than 7 days): GPs do not provide short term sickness certification for periods of less than 7 days and are unable to issue medical certificates for longer periods of sickness absence unless the patient was seen by the GP at the time of the illness. GPs are not contractually required to undertake this and it is not part of their terms of service. In general GPs do not provide certificates for children as the parent’s explanation of the absence is generally sufficient for the purposes of the school.

Long term illness: when a child suffers from a long-term condition, any certification will be provided by the responsible specialist at the hospital and should not be requested from the GP.

When a child misses an examination: GPs are not obliged to provide sickness certification for students that miss an exam, or believe their performance was affected due to illness.

The following letter can be printed and shared with your child’s school if they request a letter from your GP.

Power of Attorney Agreements

The Greyswood Practice cannot assist patients or relatives with making, registering or ending a lasting power of attorney agreement. This can be done online at:


The Greyswood Practice outsources some of our medical reporting, including Insurance reports, Subject Access Requests and UCC113/ PIP forms to medi2data.

Medi2data are an NHS digital-accredited company who can access patients’ medical records to produce digital, GDPR-compliant medical reports.

If the administration team inform you that your report is being processed by medi2data, the fastest way to receive an update is to go to the website. There you can hover over ‘Instructing Parties in the menu at the top, and select MET. Enter the third party’s reference code to view the progress of your report.

You can also email or call the medi2data team via or 0333 3055 774 (option 3) to discuss your report, or any concerns regarding your personal data.

Please note that medi2data operate their own pricing structure and will contact patients directly with any fees that may be payable.

Why does my doctor charge fees?

When your doctor is asked to give medical information about you in the form of a report, letter or certificate, the request kick starts a series of processes.

This takes time and is not always straightforward or simple to complete. Some of the information is not available easily and will mean the doctor has to sort and select the right information for the request.

The doctor also must establish who is funding this work and if it is not part of their NHS work, agree a fee for this.

Not all work GPs are asked to do is paid for by the NHS, and many GPs are self-employed. This means they must cover their time and costs – staff, buildings, heating, etc – in the same way as any small business. The NHS only pays for NHS work, so any work outside of the NHS must be funded by other means, and this is why fees are charged.

The surgery receives a large number of requests, which are often to do with whether your general health allows you to do something e.g. to work, receive benefits or drive, or for insurance purposes, court or other medico-legal reasons.

All requests will vary in complexity, volume and consistency, ranging from signing a certificate which can take minutes, to an in-depth report with an examination that can take hours.

When your doctor signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true.

In order to complete even the simplest of forms, they may have to check your entire medical record (some of which may not be accessible on a computer or on site).

Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council (the doctors’ regulatory body) or even the Police.

– Not all documents need a signature by a doctor and can be done by other professionals. Please check the form and accompanying guidance.

– If you have several forms requiring completion, please present them all at once.

– Please don’t book an appointment with one of the GPs to complete your form. Our administrative team will advise you if this is necessary and arrange your appointment accordingly.

Travel Vaccinations

woman in black crew neck t-shirt wearing white face mask

The Greyswood Practice provides the standard NHS travel vaccinations. These include Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Travel vaccination appointments must be booked into specific travel clinics slots, the availability of which our reception team will be able to advise you on. We always recommend planning your vaccinations well in advance of your trip.

We do not provide travel advice.
Travel advice can be found here: Travel vaccinations – NHS (

Both Fairoak Pharmacy and Bradbury Pharmacy also run Travel Clinics for patients. Please note this is a private service.



Influenza and Pneumonia Vaccine

  • In accordance with Department of Health guidelines, we recommend an influenza plus pneumonia vaccination for patients with diabetes, chronic heart, lung or kidney disease and residents of nursing and rest homes. The vaccination is available in October; please contact reception for further details.
man wearing white polo shirt

Flu Vaccination

An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, and residents of nursing and rest homes. These patients will receive a letter in September, which will include dates of the flu clinics held at the surgery. Housebound patients or those in nursing homes will be visited by a doctor or community nurse throughout October. Pregnant women will also be offered a vaccination during the flu season.

a woman in a blue scrub suit and a man in a blue scrub suit


Patients can self-refer to our counselling team following an appointment with a Doctor.

two women sitting beside table and talking

Stop Smoking Service

boy in blue hoodie reading book

If you are looking for help to stop smoking two of our local pharmacies Fairoak Pharmacy and Pearl Chemist & Travel Clinic can help you to do this. Please call them and ask to book a smoking cessation appointment.

Wandsworth Council also offers a drop-in service for all Wandsworth residents to help stop smoking, with no appointment necessary. The service runs on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 3pm in the Atkinson Morley Wing at St George’s Hospital. Details can be found at:

Phlebotomy Clinic

At this clinic we take blood samples for testing. Please ask at reception for details and to book an appointment.

person in blue long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Well Women Clinics

The practice nurses do smear testing and will discuss women’s health issues. Postnatal checks are done by GPs only. Please inform the receptionist if you require a smear/postnatal appointment.

Family Planning/Teenage Sexual Health

Each doctor provides this service and will be happy to discuss individual needs. Intrauterine contraceptives such as the copper IUD or Hormonal IUS are currently unavailable at the practice, but further information, including how to have these fitted, can be accessed via the Sexual Health South West London website at

Please make a routine appointment with the practice nurse for contraceptive care.

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